Network Traffic Anomaly Detection Based on Signal Processing Techniques
Intrusion detection and network security has become and important problem in today's world. The Internet, the emergence of a
variety of wireless networks, the mobility of network hosts along with the vulnerability of present-day software and protocols have
a major impact regarding the evolution of network-based attacks. Network intrusions are carried out in various forms: virus, spamming,
worms, malware, privilege escalation, unauthorized logins, access to sensitive information, attacks against vulnerable services,
injecting unwanted packets into the target networks. As a consequence, this insecure environment has lead to the development of
network intrusion detection systems (IDS).
Signal processing techniques have attracted a lot of attention recently in the networking security technology, because of their
capability of detecting novel intrusions or attacks
General architecture of the IDS
Selected Publications
- Marius Salagean,
"Real Network Traffic Anomaly Detection Based on Analytical Discrete Wavelet Transform",
OPTIM 2010, Brasov, Romania.
- Marius Salagean, Ioana Firoiu,
"Anomaly Detection Of Network Traffic Based On Analytical Discrete Wavelet Transform",
COMM 2010, Bucuresti, Romania.