Contributions to the application of Kalman filtering in communications
Polynomial phase signals (PPS) are frequently used in many signal processing applications such as in radar, sonar,
laser velocimetry or telecommunications. They are non-stationary signals with a fast-varying instantaneous frequency.
The parameters' estimation of the PPS signals affected by additive Gaussian noise has received considerable interest in
signal processing literature and several methods, formulated as linear system identification problems, have been used to
solve the problem. We investigate an estimation method based on an approximate linear state space representation of the
polynomial phase signal using an Extended Kalman Filtering.
Selected Publications:
- Gal, J., Campeanu, A., Nafornita, I., Estimation of Chirp Signals in Gaussian Noise by Kalman Filtering,
Proceedings of International Symposium on Signals, Circuits and Systems, ISSCS 2007 July 2007, Iasi Romania pp. 299-302.
- Gal J., Campeanu A., Nafornita I., Identification of Polynomial Phase Signals by Extended Kalman Filtering,
Proceedings of EUSIPCO 2008, 16th European Signal Processing Conference organised by EURASIP, August 25-29, Lausanne,
Switzerland, pp. 405-409
