The use of wavelet theory for decision making
Making decisions is a branch of artificial intelligence that is more and more used in complex applications
like medicine (using a diagnostic, a treatment decision is made), geology (using images of a region, some hypotheses
regarding the underground composition and some decision about extraction are made) or communications
(using information about the functioning of each element of a communication network, some decisions about the resources
allocation are made, for example of the frequency bandwidth). According to Bob Colwell, any machine can have artificial
intelligence. This must be developed on the basis of understanding and imitation of the human brain. The intelligence results
from the action of a large group of specialized neurons that use a world model based on memory to make a continuous series of
predictions of future events. The neural networks of the cortex must be interpreted like a distributed memory of pattern sequences
stoked in an invariant form, hierarchically arranged, accessed in an associative fashion.
Between the neural network applications already known we can find applications in decision making for medicine, geology and
communications. To make a correct decision, the decider must have the information in an appropriate form. This is
the reason why, alternative representations of information are frequently used. A very interesting representation is in this
respect the wavelet decomposition. In this project we want to associate the wavelets theory with the neural
network theory to solve problems of decisions making in medicine, in geology and in communications.
For more information, see the The use of wavelet
theory for decision making project page. Director: Alexandru Isar, members: Ioan Nafornita, Sorin Moga, Corina Nafornita,
Ioana Firoiu, Cristina Stolojescu
Selected Publications:
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurements
International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence
EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing
ISSCS'2009 Conference
WISP'2009 Conference